אימות אנושי
If this work interest you,"In-Hand Lessons With Manolo Mendez: An Introduction to working in Hand" available on Vimeo here: vimeo.com/ondemand/inhandlessonswithmanolo or you can purchase a DVD on Manolo's website: manolomendezdressage.com
These segments are available as rental or download.
If you have any questions, please contact Caroline at ProudHorseConnections@gmail.com.
For articles, photos and weekly updates about training, wellness and what is happening at La Mancha, please come see us on: facebook.com/ManoloMendezDressage
Please do not forget to rate the clips and to write to us to tell us what you would like to see more off. We just launched and we want to get it right for you. You can email Caroline with your thoughts and insights.